Barbat 51 ani din Leominster
Andym7 ID 32846
Ultima conectare din America - Eu sunt:
- Barbat
- La matrimoniale caut:
- Femeie
- Varsta mea:
- 51
- Localizare:
- Leominster, Massachusetts, America
- Descriere
- Inaltime:
- 1.65m
- Greutate:
- 78 kg
- Culoarea ochilor:
- Ochi negri
- Culoarea parului:
- Chel
- Viata personala
- Situația matrimonială:
- Necasatorit(a), caut perechea
- Prezentarea mea:
I am a christian first and foremost. I love to have fun but responsibly. I work hard and don,t like being lazy. I love helping people. But what defines me is my walk with Christ. Nothing is more important that having a relationship with Christ.
- Fumat:
- Nu fumez
- Copii:
- Un copil
- Doriti copii ?:
- Da, intrucat iubesc copiii
- Zodia:
- Rac
- O persoana:
- ambitioasa, curajoasa, educata, respectuoasa, romantica, tandra, calma, echilibrata, de casa, familista, dinamica, activa
- Pasiuni:
- Iesirea la restaurant, Familia, prietenii, Sanatatea, Miscarea, Ascult muzica, Urmaresc filme, Imi place sa citesc, Religia, Spitirtualitatea, Teatrul sau Opera, Ma uit la TV, Calatoriile
- Viata profesionala
- Nivel de studii:
- Facultate
- Domeniul de activitate:
- Medical, Dentar, Veterinar
- Limbi vorbite:
- Engleza
- Caut o relatie serioasa
- Perechea potrivita. Preferinte:
Looking for a christian girl/woman that really cares about other people. Someone real and genuine that has a really good heart and loves going to church.
- Varsta pe care o caut:
- De la 27 Pana la 37 de ani.
- Country:
- Romania
- 41 vizualizari
O prezentare personala pe scurt:
"I am a christian first and foremost. I love to have fun but responsibly. I work hard and don,t like being lazy. I love helping people. But what defines me is my walk with Christ. Nothing is more important that having a relationship with Christ."
"I am a christian first and foremost. I love to have fun but responsibly. I work hard and don,t like being lazy. I love helping people. But what defines me is my walk with Christ. Nothing is more important that having a relationship with Christ."
Ce tip de partenera cauta la matrimoniale
"Looking for a christian girl/woman that really cares about other people. Someone real and genuine that has a really good heart and loves going to church."
? "Looking for a christian girl/woman that really cares about other people. Someone real and genuine that has a really good heart and loves going to church."
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Matrimoniale Barbati din America
Matrimoniale Barbati din Massachusetts