Barbat 35 ani din Overpelt
kuijperjoep ID 32376
Ultima conectare din Belgia - Eu sunt:
- Barbat
- La matrimoniale caut:
- Femeie
- Varsta mea:
- 35
- Localizare:
- Overpelt, Limburg, Belgia
- Descriere
- Inaltime:
- 1.95m
- Greutate:
- 85 kg
- Culoarea ochilor:
- Ochi albastri
- Culoarea parului:
- Blond
- Viata personala
- Situația matrimonială:
- Separat(a), caut jumatatea
- Prezentarea mea:
Im i Nice and Good looking Guy.
I Have my own company in construction.
I like to give a woman everything she wants!
A car a house and love..
Im really looking for a Nice Good looking girl that
Can give me love, pleasure etc etc
I like to spend a lot of time with this girl and
I hope to find real love - Fumat:
- Fumez uneori
- Copii:
- Un copil
- Doriti copii ?:
- Nu stiu daca vreau copii
- Zodia:
- Taur
- O persoana:
- ambitioasa, curajoasa, educata, respectuoasa, optimista, pozitiva, romantica, tandra, calma, echilibrata, cu simtul umorului, de casa, familista, dinamica, activa, economa, corecta, altruista, de incredere
- Pasiuni:
- Iesirea la restaurant, Familia, prietenii, Sanatatea, Miscarea, Ascult muzica, Urmaresc filme, Fac sport, gimnastica, Calatoriile, Altruismul, Shopping
- Viata profesionala
- Nivel de studii:
- Facultate
- Domeniul de activitate:
- Constructii, Comert
- Limbi vorbite:
- Engleza
- Caut o relatie serioasa
- Perechea potrivita. Preferinte:
Nice and honest girl.
Good looking and between 20-29y old
She needs to be a real lady.. respectfull
Romantic and willing to go for a long term realtionship - Varsta pe care o caut:
- De la 20 Pana la 29 de ani.
- Country:
- Romania
- 39 vizualizari
O prezentare personala pe scurt:
"Hi, Im i Nice and Good looking Guy. I Have my own company in construction. I like to give a woman everything she wants! A car a house and love.. Im really looking for a Nice Good looking girl that Can give me love, pleasure etc etc I like to spend a lot of time with this girl and I hope to find real love"
"Hi, Im i Nice and Good looking Guy. I Have my own company in construction. I like to give a woman everything she wants! A car a house and love.. Im really looking for a Nice Good looking girl that Can give me love, pleasure etc etc I like to spend a lot of time with this girl and I hope to find real love"
Ce tip de partenera cauta la matrimoniale
"Nice and honest girl. Good looking and between 20-29y old She needs to be a real lady.. respectfull Romantic and willing to go for a long term realtionship"
? "Nice and honest girl. Good looking and between 20-29y old She needs to be a real lady.. respectfull Romantic and willing to go for a long term realtionship"
Doresti sa faci cunostinta cu
, un barbat singur de 35 ani din Overpelt, Belgia?Inscrie-te - sau - Conecteaza-te
Matrimoniale Barbati din Belgia
Matrimoniale Barbati din Limburg