Be careful to Scammer and spammer on Internet, specially from Africa. They will speak gentle to you, step by step. Thay say are living in your country but it is not true. To check them ask to call or to be called from on a landline number. They will say they love you and more. After they win your trust they invent a history and they ask you send them money. Never do this because you will loose your money somewhere in Africa!
As dating site owners, we found ourselves spending more and more time each day seeking out, blocking and otherwise fighting scammers from Russia, Africa, Ukraine. It is really a full-time job all by itself. That's why we encourage the help of our dating site members to help us in this battle by reporting scams and suspicious behavior. Here we will make this information available to the general public. Scammers have become more sophisticated in their methods, and a couple of letters isn't always enough anymore to tell. This site gives you a valuable resource to to use, with helpful tools such as a searchable database of known scammers and a forum for discussion of ideas and a place to share your suspicions.
Hello, - Thanks for your reply. I would like to tell you everything about me so that you could know that i don't have time playing games. My name is Elizabeth. My originality is France. I was born in the year 1980. My childhood was spent in UK though. The prematurely calamitous death of my parents brought me to Shreveport about 9 years ago. My father was killed in a motor accident in England. He was on his back to Liverpool when the accident struck. His death worsened my mother's situation. She herself was going through heart attack before but unfortunately, she could not contain the grief and sorrow of my dad's death. Perhaps i would have still been staying in UK now if not for the way dad's younger brother was trying to make everything impossible for me. I was being pre-empted and maltreated to the extent that i started having an inferiority complex. My aunt took me away from him and brought me to Shreveport. That was where i staying before i relocated here in Alamo. She has been an inspirational value for me to become a model today. I am a clothing model by profession. It has not been easy though. I just thank my Lord that he has never left me and i still believe that He will always be with me. I am looking for a real and long term relationship.
One of my goals in life is to nurture my children in such a way that i will not need to look up to my husband before taking care of my lovely children. I like being independent and i hope you are not scared off by that. I like to be at sea atmosphere for spare time.
This is to also use this period to tell you that i am not presently at home. I am currently in West Africa, precisely in Nigeria. I will be coming back to the in a couples of days depending on how soon my client comes back from Paris. He rushed to Paris some days back to pay attention to his wife that was going through surgical operation. The kind of man that i am looking for is the kind of man that is honest, trusted, God-fearing, understanding, and caring. I had gone through some worst relationships that i was wounded so deeply that i felt as if i should get myself killed. I don't want that kind of relationship again. Just be who you are, that is okay by me. There are many things to ask you and i wish you could answer them with sincerity and honesty.
Hope to hear from you soon. Anabel.
{2} Hello Jose , Thanks for getting back to me. Here are lots of things that you still need to know about me. One thing that i hate doing is to hide my feelings. Most people tend to get annoyed if they are told truth. I don't like that. When you will reply my mail, i want you to tell me more about your family background because my mother would tell me before she died that 'it is one thing to have a good wife and it is another thing to have bad in-laws' and that its the good in-laws he's got with my father's family that helped them most in there marriage. . Have you dated anyone on the internet before and if yes how does it feel when you meet the person? what do you like in a lady ?Are you a player or for real ? . . are you single or divorced? . . do you have kids and if yes, will you still want to have more? what you do for a living exactly? Do you think that you will not hurt my feelings when i finally fall in love with? Tell me more about yourself.
You should be able to ask me any question you think you wanna know about me and will answer you with all sincerity. It will be very much appreciated to hear back from you and to know much about you. Bye for now,
{3}Hello Jose, - It is my very great pleasure to hear from you back, you really make my days with the lovely email you sent to me and i like the way you answer my questions One thing that i just want to also tell you is we can achieve everything together if we both are not selfish. I am very happy when you mentioned that the other time. It shows that you are the kind of man that knows the kind of lady he wants . That was what my ex-boyfriend failed to. Despite all the problems that i have been facing, there was nothing he could than to hurt my feelings. If i did not tell you before, my mom also passed away about some few years back . I am now all myself except my ex-boyfriend that wounded my heart. My other family are in UK and due to the fact that i did not relate to them when my mom was alive, I don’t associate myself to anyone of them. But God has really helped me be whom i am today.
For me Jose, i like going to beaches, watching, movies shows, musical concerts and sometime go for dinner and taste a little coffee.
To be candid with you, I don’t have time for playing games around, it is very awful when someone hurts another good feelings. . . Well, relationship can mean two things. it can mean that we have a connection, which I think is something good in relationship. It also means to be romantically and sexually involved and I think we aren't at that level. So, I think at this point, given the amount of time we have e-mail one another, we definitely have a friendship forming based on some external and internal similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us a little closer with good intentions, and the potential exists for the relationship to evolve into something more significant.
I've been in several rapports where I was not fully appreciated. In fact, many times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I will like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for him and knows how to be appreciative. For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a bath for my man, he could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss. Perhaps send me a postal card, to tell me: “thank you”. I'm very appreciative of what people do for me and I will reward them in my own little ways. To me, it is the little things that mean a great deal to me. That was the way my parents taught me.
What does it really mean to be passionate? I love a man who can display his passions for me anytime and anywhere without having to be shy. And a person who knows how to be affectionate is a big plus. I love being affectionate.
This may be an odd one, but I have learned that there are many men out there that are set in their ways. They have one way of doing things and are never open to suggestions or advices. Obstinate men are a major turn off for me. I like a man who is open to ideas, thoughts, and
Basically open minded. I think being receptive brings about sensitivity as well. A man who is ignorant, mean, and just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with.
I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is sensitive and caring. If I'm sad, I'd like for him to be able to comfort me and cheer me up. He doesn't has to do much, but just knowing that he's there solacing me is more than good enough.
Have you ever had someone not stand up for you? I was deeply hurt when someone I once knew would not stand up for me, even after he told me he loved me. I would never allow someone to hurt my boyfriend or my husband, and I would always stand up for him. One thing I will always do for my man is to protect him. The kind of family that i am gone have largely depends on how passionate my husband is. I don’t know where i am gone start it yet and i hope i find the place that is good for the business. Perhaps if things go well with us, you can also help me find the right place. Although, everything depends on what God says. Well, I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely Yours
{3}Hello Paul, I am very happy to receive your e mail again. Things have not been easy though but God that i serve has not left me. I just want to use this opportunity to tell you that i don't have playing games around. I am whom am and i will never allow anyone or any man to hurt my feelings at the expense of my fragility or vulnerability. I am an easy going lady that is looking forward to a great future. Seeing myself, children, and husband playing together with a lot of happiness and tranquillity is what i look forward to. But that very special man must be someone that is honest and trusted to me. One thing that i will never get myself entangled into is to see my man hiding his feelings to me. A man that is inconsiderate, untrustworthy, uncaring, and based is difficult to get along with. If a man has any of these qualities, I don't get along with him. Happiness is what is important in every relationship and without happiness, everything just doesn't seem to be positive. I was maltreated in my last my relationship. It makes me feel bad each time i remember the incident. I am on match to meet someone special that i will spend the rest of my life with. I hope you are also looking for a great and everlasting relationship as well. What do you really want us to call this relationship? What is your idea in having dinner with someone? I wish i could get going but i ought to stop here.
Hope to hear from you soon. Anabel.
{4}Hello Mark, How are you today? It is a great pleasure to hear back from you. I would really like to meet you in person and i hope thing will work out better between us by the time i get back to the states. Meeting you in person will be the best. I have not been enjoying Africa because of the way i am being maltreated by my promoter. He went to UK to attend to his wife that is going through surgical operation and he seems to have failed all his obligations towards me. That is the reason why i don't seem to enjoy here. But i am very happy that i am leaving for the states soon. I am planning to establish a salon when i get back. As soon as i get paid, I will start the process. But one thing that i must confess to you is that your thoughts have been in my mind since we have started exchanging e mails but my main fear is that i don’t know whether you feel the same thing.
As i have already told you before, i want to spend the rest of my life with someone special. Something that, will not use to poor background to dump me at the end of the day. It is not in my plan to divorce and i will never allow any man to divorce his love except in something confusing situation and which i don’t pray for. Here are my other questions for you Mark; where do you expect yourself to be in five years? What are the things that you can not do without? Do you really see yourself as determined man or the man that stops trying when thing seem to be getting somewhat unusual? I am asking you all these questions because these are the things someone needs to know the true and factual feelings of who is getting along with. I hope i have not bored you with my questions. I do believe that we will achieve everything in common if we both are understand and trustworthy with each other. I am being honest with you and i dont think i can stop doing that. Bye.
{5}Hello Mark, it is really a great pleasure to hear back from you. Are you today? I hope you are having a marvellous time out there in. I really like the way you have been communicating with me. It seems a good start for both of us. I also pray that may God come my way and help me out in any possible calamity in the future. Mark, I am very happy that we both feel the same way towards each other. The commonality and compatibility between us seem rhymed and that is the way it should be. I really want to meet you in person and see how we will be able to make this relationship a longer and an everlasting one. I am afraid to tell you that i am gradually falling in love you. This act is always seen as an infatuation to some people but i do believe that everything depends on what the God of gods says. I am eagerly yearning to meet you in person. Mark, I just want to use this period to tell you that we will be able to achieve everything together without any impediment if we both understand with each other. A long term relationship calls for a lot of patience and i hope you understand what i mean by that. Yours Anabel.
{6}Hi, I am very happy since we have started talking on line . i have been very busy trying to finalise some buss i have come to africa for. You will never understand how much i want to be loved again in my life, you will never understand how much i want to see my husband happy and see my children playing in the garden and i and my love looking at them and thanking God for what He has done for us. But I am always afraid that i may never find a man that i can live this kind of a life with. i have passed through a lot in my life that i always ask God the reason i have this kind of a heart and still living a very lonely life. I am not in a hurry to marry though but i am very open minded and i have to tell you exactly what I am feeling. i want love and be dedicated, i want love and want to be faithful to my husband till death like my mother did. I moved to stay with this aunt called Jade and this my aunt introduced me to modelling because she was a model consumer. Her daughter was a very good friend of mine and the only one i have ever had as a trusted friend. she is more pretty than i am and we are very close.
Along the line, i met Keith and we started going out. I have never felt this way in my life and i loved him so much he was everything to me and i started to think this is the will of God for me. after 1 year of our relationship and that was after my mom died, i met Keith sleeping with my best friend. I felt bad and i almost committed suicide. I thank God for sparing my life then. I and aunt Jade continued working together but the job never went as i expected, she always complained that modelling was such a stressful profession then. she could not make it because she was about getting married then. So she introduced me to the agent and that was how i was brought down to Africa here. It was she that also introduced me to on line dating because it’s the place she met her husband. I am not sure if this is right although. i have since allowed my past to go behind me forever but you must understand that I am still afraid and never want what has happened to me before to happen again. i am pulling the wall i have built around me down for the first time because of you and i think God willing this will lead us into somewhere great. I have to go for now and i hope we have time to talk better later.
{7}Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially in the form of a chat friend. Few days later I am leading my life with you as your dream girlfriend which I could never thought of this very time last week. God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our new relationship will flourish beyond what it is right now if you will fulfil all what you have said in your mail. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our feelings for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across. I am writing you this letter to tell you that my feelings for you is so real that I can't find any words to describe my feelings for you as I am not the type that hide her feelings. At the same time I would like to thank you for your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks due to the distance. My feelings for you is growing so strong that when i imagine a life with you i just smile and hope you really mean all you have written to me so far because those words does meet my kind of man.
I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be if we eventually met and work on the chemistry i think we've got now. My heart will always yearning for your affection and care forever.
{8}Dear - From the day we met, I knew that you would hold my heart in your hands and you more than do that you completely own me and every part of me. When I think of you, my heart is so full of love and passion for you that I can hardly contain myself. I think of spending every minute of every day with you and holding you so close to me. Whenever you think of me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives comes between us, you are and always will be the love of my life and I will never love anyone as much again. I thank God everyday for letting me meet you and for you falling in love with me because I know that it would never be as perfect any other way. I love you with all that I am. Honey i want to let you know that you are always on my mind and a day without your emails is like being in hell fire. I love you from the bottom of my heart and really cant wait to meet you in person. Love always, Anabel.
{9}your love has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful man? Everything about you is just so perfect. I know you are not without imperfections, but in my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless. The way you express your love to me is so awesome!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt away. I want to spend my whole life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. The miles that lie between us will soon disappear, and we will have each other always. I don't care what others say about you and me. All I know is that I love you, and that will never change. David, sweet, David, Thank you for loving me the way you do. I couldn't ask for more in a man! With love.
{10}Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I’m walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I know you've said we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you . . . . . . . i would do anything, I love you so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU
{11}Here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime Be your best friend. Get caught with you in the rain. Dance with you in the rain. Stargaze on a clear night. Watch the sunset together. Spend all day with you doing nothing. Moonlit walks on the beach. Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment. Go on a carriage ride through the park. Do a crossword together. Go to brunch. Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger). Go for a twilight horseback ride. Watch a bad movie together. Spend the rest of my life with you. Have our picture taken together. Eat ice cream with you. Make love to you passionately. Go to a museum together. Talk to each other using only body language. Give you space when you need it. Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all ( I already do). Discuss current events in a heated debate.
Have you seen the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a tree/table. Go for a walk at dusk together. Be one with you. Send you a singing telegram. Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you. Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you. Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes. Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic. Spend my life making you happy. Spend my life making our family happy. Feel your heartbeat. See our unborn child/children in your eyes. Go roller/ice skating together. Give you a backrub just because. ALWAYS, be honest with each other. Go hiking /camping together. Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together. Marry you. Laugh at someone together. Share a plate of spaghetti. Give you a stuffed animal just because. Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of. Treat you like my Lancelot. Go on a road trip across America. Count thunder together during a thunderstorm. Envelop you in my soul. Cook your favourite meal/meals. Know you better than you know yourself. Go to a Renaissance Fair. Plant a tree in our yard together. Look over at you during a family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you. Be able to say I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries. Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most. Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding. Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss. Grow old with you. Love Always,
Dear visitor avoid spam and fake profiles on dating sites. Most of them comes from Africa. Please, never belive them. Thy speak about true love, about God, then, after some mail exchange they ask you money. Never send money! It is surely a spammer and a fake profile from Africa. Here is the part 2 of the article Stop Spam. To read fist part, click here Avoid scam spam Africa
{12} I was on my way to bed and wanted to write you a little note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me and in us as a couple. Thank you for making me a better person, and for giving your heart to me and opening up so much. Over the last 3 weeks, it's been wonderful; I never expected to feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful . . . to me, You make me really happy and even though we are apart so much of the time. The feeling that I get is overwhelming every time that I do get to see you for the first time in such a long time and as time goes by my feelings for you grow dramatically. I was thinking so much about that earlier tonight, when I am going to meet you at the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing you in person. You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to meet you in person David. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow. It takes a strong man to accomplish everything that you have in your life, I am proud of you that you stick to your goals, you have improved your life so much from what it was before and I am so happy that you respect my beliefs as I respect yours. You say that you are going to make me a happy woman . . . well, you have already done that, just by being you and showing me love and being so open with your feelings. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little girl, someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are. I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you again. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you, David. I love you. Thank you David, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be called your girlfriend, I’m truly honoured. Thank you. Love always, Anabel US REFINED. Hello, - How are you doing today? i hope you are doing good? I want you to know first before anything that I am a very God fearing Christian but i don’t criticize other people's believe or religion and i have tried as much as possible never to allow my relationship with God to affect my romance life in any way whatsoever. I was born in Wigan and my mum is from the united state of America while dad is from Bolton area in the u. k. we relocated to old town Alexandria in Virginia in the united state in when i was 12 years old. Due to the nature of my Job, i have lived in most part of US especially NY and CA. But I am not thinking of settling down when i get back thats the reason I am contemplating relocating. I am sure that God willing if we will meet at all, These are some other things i still think you need to know about me. I like going to beaches in my Bikinin, movies shows, musical concerts and sometime go for dinner and taste a little coffe or wine from a small window and attend church services. I am also the kind of woman that will be waiting at your door whenever you are back either from work or anywhere, and i also love cuddling on the couch with the man i love watching tv. I want you to know that when I am set I am set and nothing can change me so i dont beat about the bush i allow my feelings and mind to be known fastbacks its very awful when someone hurt another good feelings. Don’t be surprise that I am in very far away Africa at the moment, i have come here to do a two months clothing modelling for a new bikini producing company here and the two months is even over by now. i am thinking of coming back to U. S anytime from now probably in a couple of days, I don’t know if u care to meet me in person all in the hands of God too. I am single since i had caught my X red handed I am my room sleeping with my best friend this was shortly before i met God but it was this bad experience that brought me closer to God and since then he has not fail me. . He helped me to erase the path we took to meet in my life i mean my X and my friend.
Now, I looking for a new love, relationship (Mr Right) that’s the reason you saw my profile on the dating site it was exactly this site that my friend who we attend church together met her husband and thank God they are now happily married. But the kind of man am looking for must be very well responsible, honest, caring, lovely, open minded. As for the type of companion I desire. It is rather simple. Race, ethnicity, religious believe and physical appearance in general is not problem. My interest is in a good personality and sense of humour for I need someone to lift my spirits. I generally prefer men in the age range of 27-50 because i believe age its just a number, but am open to any depending upon them i will love to share the intimate side of myself with someone willing to do the same. I hope to find a man that I could possibly have a new life and beginning with when i get back. I am still single Still searching for a man who will make me happy till the end of my life and the man i can spend the rest of my life with. Meanwhile I am in no hurry but i will rather wait for Gods time. Hope to hear from you soonest take good care for yourself. Jade. 1ST FORMAT / REF INED TO UKHow are you doing today? i hope you are doing good? I want you to know first before anything that I am a very God fearing Christian but i don’t criticize other people's believe or religion and i have tried as much as possible never to allow my relationship with God to affect my romance life in any way whatsoever. I was born in Wigan and my mum is from the united state of America while dad is from Bolton area in the u. k. we relocated to old town Alexandria in Virginia in the united state in when i was 12 years old. but after I am now contemplating on moving back to u. k after i lost my parents some years back. I am sure that God willing if we will meet at all. These are some other things i still think you need to know about me. I like going to beaches in my Bikini, movies shows, and musical concerts and sometime go for dinner and taste a little coffee or wine from a small window and attend church services. I am also the kind of woman that will be waiting at your door whenever you are back either from work or anywhere, and i also love cuddling on the couch with the man i love watching tv. I want you to know that when I am set I am set and nothing can change me so i don’t beat about the bush i allow my feelings and mind to be known fast, because its very awful when someone hurt another good feelings. Don’t be surprise that I am in very far away Africa at the moment, i have come here to do a two months clothing modelling for a new bikini producing company here and the two months is even over by now. i am thinking of coming back to U. K anytime from now probably in a couple of days, I dont know if u care to meet me in person all in the hands of God tho. I am single since i had caught my X red handed im my room sleeping with my best friend this was shortly before i met God but it was this bad experience that brought me closer to God and since then he has not fail me. . He helped me to erase the path we took to meet in my life i mean my X and my friend. Now, I looking for a new love, relationship (Mr Right) that’s the reason you saw my profile on the dating site it was exactly this site that my friend who we attend church together met her husband and thank God they are now happily married. But the kind of man am looking for must be very well responsible, honest, caring, lovely, open minded. As for the type of companion I desire. It is rather simple. Race, ethnicity, religious believe and physical appearance in general is not problem. My interest is in a good personality and sense of humour for I need someone to lift my spirits. I generally prefer men in the age range of 27-50 because i believe age its just a number, but am open to any depending upon them i will love to share the intimate side of myself with someone willing to do the same. I hope to find a man that I could possibly have a new life and beginning with when i get back. I am still single Still searching for a man who will make me happy till the end of my life and the man i can spend the rest of my life with. I am in no hurry but i will rather wait for Gods time. Hope to hear from you soonest take good care for yourself. 2ND FORMAT, Thanks for getting back to me, how are you and work? i hope everything is going on fine with you? I am alright here and like i have told you before, I want you to know that its not as if I am in a hurry to get married now but that very day i read your profile, my instinct agreed with me to get to you and i did because i believe that God always lead me right. I am planning to quit this model job when i get back home in fact that’s one of the reason my promoter went to UK to find another model that will work for him in his new job in south Africa. But i decided to quit because of two reasons . . . . 1, it gives me no chance to get closer to God as i ever wanted. 2, it has been my dream to settle down and have my won family healthy and happy in love. And I am sure that if i continue to do this, i may ever not be chanced to get my self settled. so I am planning to established a beauty salon for ladies when i get back from the little money i realize from this trip. I am a professional hair stylist for ladies and i also no more about costuming so I am sure I am going to excel in that field. I am just praying to God to lead me right to the best location because i think a very good location is one of the most important thing to make a buss boom rightly. . . . . . . . . . ,When you will reply my mail, i want you to tell me more about your family background because my dad always tell me before he died that 'its one thing to have a good wife and its another thing to have bad in-laws' and that its the good in-laws he's got with my mum's family that helped them most in there marriage. Have you date anyone on the internet before and if yes how does it feel when you meet the person?what do u like to a lady ? . Are u a player or for real ? . . are u single or divorced? . . do u have kids and if yes, will you still want to have more? What you do for a living? . . tell me about yourself . . . your family background? You should be able to ask me any question you think you want know about me and will answer you with all sincerity. I have to run along from here, stay blessed and bye. MAK ING THE LOVE GROWS, STEP BY STEP.
1 - Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially in the form of a chat friend. Few days later I am leading my life with you as your dream girlfriend which I could never thought of this very time last week. God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our new relationship will flourish beyond what it is right now if you will fulfil all what you have said in your mail. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our feelings for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across. I am writing you this letter to tell you that my feelings for you is so real that I can't find any words to describe my feelings for you as I am not the type that hide her feelings. At the same time I would like to thank you for your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks due to the distance. My feelings for you is growing so strong that when i imagine a life with you i just smile and hope you really meant all you have written to me so far because those words does meet my kind of man. I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be if we eventually met and work on the chemistry i think we've got now. My heart will always yearning for your affection and care forever. Missing you,
LAST KICKING How are you doing today? Hope everything is going rightly for you? I must confess that i did not really know how to start this mail because I am not sure how you will take this but i will be more than glad if you will understand me very well and trust me. But before anything let me tell you again that I am a very God fearing lady and i will never hurt a good feeling because I am not sure i can live with a conscience that does not judge me well. Pat, something is happening to me here that i would have told you online when we are chatting in the noon, but I am not sure if its the best thing to tell you or not but as things are going for me here now, i think it will be the best for me to let you know my mind. but first i will be very hurt if you doubt me in whatever way and i have all the necessary documents here and even my travelling document to prove to you that everything i tell you in this mail is the truth at least if you are a bit curious i will understand because of things that are happening in our world now. I came down to Africa here for two most important things, 1, i need some money to start my life all over again after all i have passed thru after the death of my father, i want to get enough money to establish myself based on my other professional line because even then i have been thinking of quitting modelling. So when the opportunity comes around to come down here and the cut of the money is good i decided to come down. 2. After the death of my father, things have not been the same for the family and to worsen the issue my mum's health has been very bad since then and her inability to get over the shock of dad's death did nothing to make things better. So i need capital to take care of my mumWhen i arrived here with the promoter, we arrived at the capital city here in Nigeria by the name ABUJA. we got to the hotel and it was a great surprise for me when my promoter told me that we will have to organise hotel for yourself and that we will have to register for one apartment hotel room because he cant afford to get two different room for both of us. It was then that i have started suspecting that something is wrong. He told me that by the time the company we have come to work for here pay us that the hotel charges will be included. I strongly declined and told him to get a different room for me that I am gone need my privacy . It was then that I was taken to meet the manager of the hotel I am staying now and it was agreed between I and than promoter and the manager that i will have my own personal hotel room and i will pay for it after we are paid by the clothing company here. Today, its 2 months and 2 weeks that i have been here in Africa the job has been over for the past two weeks now and it was the night the job ended that my promoter travelled down to U. K with an excuse that he want go get another model that will work for him in his other jobs in south Africa because i have told him that i will be quitting the job. He told me that he will pay me my entitlement after he is back that he is yet to have the cheque from the clothing company. Its over two weeks now and I am yet to see him. I went yesterday to the embassy and after telling them my story , the consular really blamed me for being so foolish , he told me that they have really warned young models about what the Italian promoters were doing to models everywhere in Africa and that they have placed it on publication thru almost all available media everywhere. But at the end of the day, they agreed to put me on a plane back home anytime I am ready. Now, I am all ready in fact I am all alone here and lonely and I am always afraid but i just always believe that God is my strength. Pat, the main reason i am telling you all these is that when i got back to my hotel yesterday, i told the hotel manager that I will be leaving by Thursday and that i need to have my bills. When the bill was brought to me, the money I am having with me could not complete the payment and i will still need like $420 to make the balance. . . If you tell me to fuck off and never mail you again, i will surely understand you but i want you to know that all i have told you is nothing but the truth and i will pay you back immediately I am back home if you will accept me i can come first to you so that you will know I am not gone run away with your money . I hope to hear some good news from you very soon as I am all ready to live here. Immediately i make the payment at the hotel here, i will go down to the American airline and they will put me on a plane to wherever i want goes. Till i hear from you because I am praying that God touched your heart and you make me happy. Stay blessed and safe. Bye for now. Yours.
BOMB ING FORMATS AND F IRST REPLY. Thanks for your mail and the complement, how are you doing? Well i have also read thru your profile and i think i should get back to you. I will also like to get to know you better because your personality seems ok for me. my e mail add is back to me thru my e mail add because i may not be chanced to come on here so often but i do check my e mail add everyday and I am giving it to you based on trust. So get back to me and let’s start something, who knows????? Dorah.
Hey!!, Its a general believe that its the duty of a man to make the first move, but Though i just joined this dating site today with the advise of a friend, i decided to check some profiles and see how this work and i stumbled on your profile. After reading thru it i like it and decided to write you. I am n0t sure how often i will be visiting here but in case you want to get back to me, this is my personal e mail add at least i check that daily. Thanks and bye for now. Jade.
4TH FORMAT BEFORE MAKING LOVE GROWS. I am very happy since we have started talking on line. i have been very busy trying to finalise some buss i have came to Africa for. . . . ., you will never understand how much i want to be loved again in my life, you will never understand how much i want to see my husband happy and see my children playing in the garden and i and my love looking at them and thanking God for what he has done for us. But I am always afraid that i may never find a man that i can live this kind of a life with. i have passed thru a lot in my life that i always ask God the reason i have this kind of a heart and still living a very lonely life. I am not in a hurry to marry though but I am very open minded and i have to tell you exactly I am feeling. i want love and be dedicated, i want love and want to be faithful to my husband till death like my mother did. i was born in Bolton U. K like i have told you before we moved to old town Alexandria UK. i happen to be the only child of the family but things started getting worse when i lost both of my parents in an auto accident. I moved to stay with my aunt in Brooklyn NY and this aunt introduces me into modelling because she is a model consumer. Her daughter was a very good friend of mine and the only person i ever love in my life she is prettier than I am and we are very close. Along the line i met Keith and we started going out. i have never felt this way in my life and i love him so much he was everything to me and i started to think this is the will of God for me. After 1 year of our relationship, i went to North Boise for a job and I stayed with a friend whom we both model together but she stays there in Boise. The job never went as I wanted so i got to come home to Brooklyn earlier than expected. On getting home I caught my Keith red handed with Annabel the daughter of my sister who was my best friend then. I almost went mad and attempted suicide. But thank God that when i jumped i did not die. That was how i met God and after some months he gave me hope for life and i went to stay with this my friend in north Boise. Not long when i got to Boise that my friend was offered the job to come model in Africa. She could not make it because she was about getting married then. So she introduces me to the agent and i was brought down to Africa here. Now she introduce me to on line dating because its the place she met her husband. I am not sure if this is right although i have since allowed my past to go behind me forever but you must understand that I am still afraid and never want what has happened to me before to happen again. I am pulling the wall i have built around me down for the first time because of you and i think God willing this will lead us into somewhere great. I have to go for now and i hope we have time to talk better later. Bye and God bless.